Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Youth vote could swing election

Business Week has a new article detailing the possibility of the youth vote swinging the election. With so many voters already deciding on who they are voting for, it may come down to young voters and the campaigns are targeting that demographic.

"Last March -- before the Democratic primaries were even over -- the Bush campaign had student volunteers handing out campaign leaflets at the NCAA Final Four basketball tournament in San Antonio."

Kerry will also be targeting the youth market. He has already run a five-day campus tour that stopped at University of New Hampshire, Howard University, CCNY, and the University of Rhode Island. Meanwhile, Independent candidate Ralph Nader is set to do an interview in The Source.

In the 2000 election Florida was decided by a little over 500 votes and New Mexico was decided by about 300 votes. However, only 37% of 18- to 24-year olds turned out to vote. If you aren't registered yet, go to our Register to Vote page. Your vote may change history.


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