Friday, July 02, 2004

CNN Wins Right to Florida Felon Purge List

In the 2000 election in Florida thousands of innocent people, most of them happened to be African-Americans, were put on a list of ex-felons to purge from the statewide voter rolls. Florida, a state which bans ex-felons from voting unless they complete a complicated process of asking the Governor for their civil rights back, has completed another felon purge list for the upcoming election and tried to keep media outlets from obtaining copies. CNN filed suit and won the rights to view and make copies of the felon purge list.

The denial of voting rights to innocent people shouldn't happen here in America anymore. Unfortunately, it happens to 4.7 million ex-felons who have served their time across the nation. Here at Rock the Vote we believe in expanding democracy, not restricting it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an ex-felon...I cannot vote. I am also a 4.0 student on the Deans list at my university, an active participant in the honors college, a pre-law student and a mother. I also attend rallies and support Barack O'Bama in spite of my inability to vote. I am currently running a small fund raiser in order to be involved. I may not be able to vote, but if I can convince five people to vote, then I am happy with that! I agree with you however, that taking away a persons civil rights is unconstitutional and very old fashioned. Maintaining constitutionality has never been an easy job for politicians. I have paid my debt to society and have chosen to be pro-active with my life. I know that I am no victim, which is why I take action!

2:26 PM  

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