Thursday, July 15, 2004

Roadtrip Nation

Frustrated with the conventions that they had been raised with, a group of recent college grads set out to find less traditional roads they could travel. In the fall of 2001 they set out on a 17,000 mile road trip across America in a neon green 1985 RV bus, which would be their home for the next three months.

The graduates conducted interviews with chefs, non-profit directors, musicians, magazine editors, artists and other professionals who didn't conform to standards set by previous generations regarding their careers. Among the interviewees was Rock The Vote's own president Jehmu Greene, who spoke of her aspirations as child: "When people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, the answer would be that I wanted to make a difference. It was always to make a difference and to help people- and I really think that public service and politics is the most direct way to have an impact on a very large number of people."

Since the initial road trip, Roadtrip Nation has published a book entitled "Destination Unknown" featuring transcripts from the interviews and has secured a deal with PBS for an eight episode series of the 2001 roadtrip which started on July 8 at 7:30 pm, PST. Roadtrip Nation has also created "Behind The Wheel," a program at college campuses which not only spreads the non-comformist message of the organization, but also gives students the opportunity to apply to climb aboard the next RV to explore the alternatives discovered by Americans from coast to coast.

Check out the Roadtrip Nation online at, and pick up "Destination Unknown" at a Starbucks near you!


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