Wednesday, July 21, 2004

P. Diddy Launches Citizen Change

P. Diddy wants to make voting cool and sexy - and by looking at his success in music, fashion, and all-around hipness it looks like he'll succeed.  Diddy launched his organization Citizen Change yesterday that plans to make responsibility and activism the new "in" for young people, and young minorities.  With a new line of clothing - which looks like the anti-Urban Outfitters - that sports lines such as "Vote or Die" and "Gone Voting" he aims to get his message on the chests of young men and women throughout the country.

Diddy was on CNN last night spreading his message:

"The forgotten ones will be forgotten no more on November 2. Trust me when I say that.  That we know how to rile up and we know how to energize and we know how to motivate, we know how to synergize young people. We do it every day when we make clothing hot, we make cars hot, we make bling-bling hot and now we're going to make this voting process relevant and hot by, most importantly, educating people to the process to letting them know that if they vote they will be heard. And it may not happen overnight. I can't promise that. But just like the civil rights movement -- how we are reaping the benefits of that -- this movement that we started here today, our children would hopefully reap the benefits of it.We're going to have a lot of fun, and we'll bring some energy into this election that's never been seen before. I'm not a stiff politician. I'm a fun guy. We're going to have fun on my campaign trail, and you can come along if you want to."

Go to and stay on the lookout for Diddy's campaign heating up as the election draws closer.    November 2nd is the day to vote and change the perception of young people.  Rock the Vote's on board and so is Diddy.  Come along for the ride.


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