Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Ronstadt Booted from Las Vegas Hotel for Praising Michael Moore
Rock the Vote is always on alert for when artists are attacked for their political beliefs.  And now in a case reminiscent of the Dixie Chicks Linda Rondstadt was thrown out of a Las Vegas hotel for praising filmmaker Michael Moore.
Apparently guests of at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas are not supporters of Michael Moore and his movie "Fahrenheit 9/11".  When Rondstadt performed a one-night show and dedicated her song "Desperado" to Moore she was greeted with loud boos and a very angry crowd.  She praised him as "a great American patriot" and "someone who is spreading the truth".  This led some in the crowd to tear down posters and throw their drinks while demanding their money back.  Rondstadt was promptly thrown out of the hotel and not allowed to return to her hotel room.  She was told to never come back. 
In response to this event Rock the Vote president Jehmu Greene released the following statement:

"The treatment of Linda Rondstadt in Las Vegas earlier this week is yet another frightening example of the climate of hostility that has sprouted up towards artists and free expression in the United States.  Ms. Rondstadt’s comments are an example of free speech, which is protected by the U.S. Constitution.  The way she was treated is an assault on free expression of all Americans and is a reminder to all why we must fight to protect it everyday."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fahrenheit 9/11 is a great movie but people should read "Alice In Wonderland And The Wtc Disaster" book by David Icke.

Jim Hotel

2:13 PM  

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