Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Data Released On Issues Important to Young Americans

A group of policy organizations, youth voter drives, and academic institutions released some data on what exactly is on the mind of young American voters. The two issues most often cited by young people as top priorities are the two big “un’s”: unemployment and uninsurance. These concerns are where the biggest discrepancy between young and older voters lies. According to data collected by the group 18to35, the national rate of unemployment for 18 to 24-year-olds is two or three times higher than that of higher age ranges. And the uninsurance rate among 18 to 24-year-olds has reached 30%, which is the largest rate among all American age groups. Check out 18to35’s Online Policy Center for more eye-popping stats, most of which are drawn from great research papers that are also available on our website.

The health care gap is growing too big too fast, and we need you to help us do something about it. Let the candidates know how important the issue is to you by
signing our petition and making your voice heard in an effort to close the health care gap.

Rock the Vote has proposed one clear solution that would possibly help millions of young people: allowing them to stay on their parents’ health care plans, as well as public plans such as Medicaid, until they are 26. Many young people fall into a huge gap in coverage when they turn 19 or graduate from school—they are kicked off of their family plans, but they do not have a job that offers them benefits, or they cannot afford the premiums because they do not earn enough money.

Let us know what you think of our proposal! And if you think it would help, sign that petition!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with this vehmently; I thought this was already in effect, but since it is not it should be. I will sign this petition and I think everyone else should to.

11:16 PM  

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