Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Bringing You Today's News Today

“The Big 3”
They’re rilly big.
(6 Days Until the Election!)

1. Acquire a new habit! We want our GOTV!

Remember yesterday (today?) when we told you to believe it about the new voters (you!) making the difference this year? James Dao keeps the story going by profiling newly registered voters in Ohio, as well as addressing the national efforts of both parties to focus on what Dao calls the “wild card” in this race. Because there are so many newly registered voters on the rolls this year (you’re welcome!), it’s even tougher than usual to predict how (or whether) they’ll vote. Since these voters have not yet acquired the “habit” of voting, the real determining factor will be voter turnout this year.

And the results of the Rock the Vote/Pace University poll are IN! And they have some strong feelings about what direction the country is going in, they’ve got the draft on their mind, and they’re ready to participate! Well don’t take my word for it - see for yourself!

2. The “D” word

Ok, normally we don’t compel you to read articles that we link to, right? This isn’t high school - there won’t be a quiz. You figured, “hey I already read the Ricks piece on how some military folk are beginning to think a draft may be an option we’re forced to consider!” Well, did you catch the part about supply and demand of America’s ground forces?

You did? Smarty-pants. Well, no one likes a kiss-up. Fine. This time it’s different. You are obligated to click on these stories. There will be a quiz.

Question 1: “Does the 2nd Paragraph of this L.A. Times story refer to the issue of the Army’s “stop loss” policy as a) Democrat b) Republican c) A Shocker?” Question 2: Fill in the blank: The “D” Word in the following sentence is ____? “Quite a few experienced military and government observers are quietly uttering the "D" word, although neither major political party wants to be associated with it. Especially before the presidential election.” Read up. This will count toward your final grade.

Want some extra credit? Try this one, Pentagon officials say privately that the decisions about troop rotation schedules (to allow for proper preparations) must be made: a)never b)at some point c)soon d)after the election.

The class clowns weigh in.

Oh, and the Secretary of Defense does too. We thought he should get a say as well. After all, he takes the issue personally. Read on.

3. Your Suppression. You’re my suppression. What do you want me to be….?

Lastly, the Washington Post keeps you informed of the latest on the student voter suppression problem that just hasn’t gone away. Note that most voter challenges were inevitably denied, but that they resulted in many voters being fed up with delays and leaving anyway. Hmmm, you don’t think that’s what they had in mind when they challenged them…do you?? Remember when we told you about 866-OUR-VOTE? It’s for situations like these.
-Aaron Coles


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