Wednesday, October 06, 2004


The Senate is now considering a renewed push to include fines of up to $500,000 against individual performers, announcers, and broadcast journalists for indecency. No doubt that a potential $500,000 fine would chill freedom of speech and make artists and entertainers more reluctant to speak their minds. And, moreover, the artists don’t make the programming decisions. This is a clear threat to artistic freedom. The slope gets especially slippery when you take into account that the definition of indecency is vague, at best.

The ultimate decision as to whether or not to add this provision to the DOD bill is up to Senators Warner (R-VA), McCain (R-AZ), and Levin (D-MI). Let these Senators know that that fining individuals for programming decisions controlled by broadcast licensees is the wrong approach to combating indecency over the airwaves:

Sen. Warner

Sen. McCain

Sen. Levin


Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


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