Monday, October 04, 2004

Rock the Vote Voices Your Concerns to Congress!

Broke after college, unemployed, and living in your parents’ basement? Don’t worry, Rock the Vote is trying to help you out.

On September 13th, Hans Riemer, the Director of Rock the Vote’s Washington Office, spoke at the House Budget Committee’s Democratic Hearing, “Reality Bites: Why Younger Generations Should Be Concerned About the Deficit.” Hans told politicians how young people are having a harder time finding jobs and how more and more jobs are temporary positions or don’t provide acceptable benefits. He explained how this leads to young people taking on more financial debt and often leaves them without health coverage. He didn’t mention, however, that you sometimes dance around the basement in your underwear.

For more info on these issues and how voting can make a difference, click here.

To read the full text of Hans’ testimony, click here.


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