Thursday, October 07, 2004

Pentagon memo shows the government has considered a new draft

On Tuesday, Congress voted 402-02 against reinstating a new draft. In so doing, Members of Congress said they were doing this to dispel a hoax that the government was considering a draft. According to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, "It is absolutely false that anyone in this administration is considering reinstating the draft."

The reality is more complex. In February of 2003, high level Pentagon and Selective Service System officials sat down to begin formulating a new draft policy.

We have the agenda and issue paper prepared for this meeting. You can see it here.

Some of their ideas:
- Raise the draft age to 34
- Include women
- Refocus on homeland security

Their proposition: "Restructure the SSS and shift its peacetime focus to accommodate DoD's most likely requirements in a crisis. Plan for conducting a more likely draft of individuals with special and critical needs."

QUESTIONS MUST BE ASKED. These are some of the planning ideas that went up the ladder in the Pentagon. So were there more meetings? Who was involved? What is the current status of the planning process?

Now let us be clear. We are not saying that this is proof that the Pentagon or the Selective Service are getting ready to institute a draft. What we are saying is that they are talking about it, going through a planning process, and evaluating options as they should. Indeed, it would be a dereliction of duty if they were not going through this exercise.

The reason we are releasing this memo and making this statement is that by acting so harshly with its rushed vote the other day, Congress has sought to convince the public that there is no conversation about this whatsoever.

We think a generation that could indeed be called to service deserves more. We can take the facts. What we don't want are empty promises.

We don't believe that the President or the military wants a draft. Or that Congress wants a draft. But that's not really the point. The point is, When would a draft become necessary? That's the debate we want to see: an honest debate, based on facts.


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