Friday, October 01, 2004

Registration Deadlines Approaching

Hey guys, make sure to check the dates of your state’s voter registration deadlines. In the next week (Oct. 2-Oct. 8), 32 states will have their deadlines, after which you can no longer register to vote. While we don’t agree with early registration, those are the rules, and you don’t want to get shut out come November.

So, if you haven’t registered, make sure you do it before your state’s deadline. Actually,
just go ahead and do it now.

And make sure everyone you know (and we mean everyone) is registered too.

If you’re unsure of your registration status, give your state election board a call to make sure you’re good to go.

We’re almost at a million registered through our site. Let’s make sure we get there in time to make our votes count.


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