Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Draft Your Friends

As it is, our military is stretched almost to the breaking point trying to maintain troop levels in Iraq and around the world. If civil war erupts in Iraq, or if Pakistan, North Korea or other nations begin to pose new military threats, how would we meet the demand for troops?

Did you know that:

It would only take two to three days for Congress and the President to authorize a draft and set the Selective Service System's plans in motion?

That 20-year-olds would be the first to be inducted?

That women are very likely to be included in the next draft?

It's up to us to educate ourselves. In the event of a draft, we won't have much time to form an opinion. And with just 34 days left until the election, we need to take a stand now
by registering to vote.

here to get the facts about a potential draft, and to find out what you can do.


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