Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Well that's what *we* heard....


So after intense negotiations, the candidates have come to an agreement on the schedule and format (which involves a strict ban on
leg stretching!) of the debates. And don’t miss this, in each debate, according to the agreement, "the candidates may not ask each other direct questions, but may ask rhetorical questions." Is a rhetorical question a question? Is a debate debateable?

We know YOU were planning on watching the debates, but apparently fewer people are watching the debates than ever. Why? Ask
Open Debates. Rock the Vote President Jehmu Greene adds her voice to a chorus of others on the issue. Personally, we blame the dopey slackers...

And now that the candidates have taken their sweet time to reach an agreement on the debates, they want to rush the debate commission to an agreement of terms. However, the commission gives them
a taste of their own medicine…

And Missouri
isn’t quite ready to celebrate their almost-confirmed debate.


To get into the debate at the University of Miami, you have to write an essay! A drag? Maybe, but it's on a topic that's
near and dear to our hearts at Rock the Vote.

Want a ticket to a debate that isn't confirmed yet? Face value may mean facing hours of community service. You gotta
earn a ticket to this show!

Can't get in that way? You may be able to at least get closer to the action than your average channel-surfer. Arizona State is looking for
a few good 18-and-ups! Get involved and volunteer to help out during the debate! (You mean work for free? That’s right! You don’t have to pay a thing!)

-Aaron Coles


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