Thursday, February 24, 2005

Democrats hope to appeal to young Americans with selection of new party chairman

Recently, former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said that the Democrats would have to have a “death wish” to nominate Howard Dean as their new Party Chair.

Well, as they say, you either get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’. The former Vermont Governor and Presidential hopeful Howard Dean is the new Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Normally party chairs are not well-known and do not attract much mainstream attention. But that was before “Dean the Scream.” Dean is best known for two things: (1) injecting much needed energy into the Democratic Party (particularly among young Americans) through grassroots and Internet-based campaigning and (2) ending his post Iowa Caucus concession speech by screaming like a school girl on placebo ecstasy pills at an Aaron Carter concert.

Dean, unlike John Kerry and most of the recent Democratic Party establishment, is an unapologetic Democrat. One of his most successful lines during the primary, swiped from the late Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN), was that he represented the "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party." This is the reason Dean’s pre-primary season presidential campaign garnered grassroots support. Liberal Americans, particularly young liberals, were ripe for someone to take them to a higher ground.

In his DNC acceptance speech, Dean claimed that the Democratic Party is the party for “young Americans looking for a government that speaks to them.” In the past the Democratic Party held a clear majority among young voters. But the political climate has changed. Though Democrats remain in the lead among young voters, the Republican Party has been extremely effective in recent years at increasing its support from almost all sectors of American society. Incoming Republican Chairman Ken Mehlman, a brilliant strategist who is the real Karl Rove behind Karl Rove, is sure to keep up the march.

Whether the choice of Dean was wise for the Democrats remains to be seen. Newt Gingrich may be right in that Dean may prove just the polarizing force to help the Republican Party maintain or even increase its recent dominance of their left-wing arch rivals.

But Dean did get off to good start in his acceptance speech as far as Rock the Vote is concerned, as he vowed opposition to any plan that would end Social Security as we know it and leave young people without a safety net.

And you know how Rock the Vote feels about Social Security – We “Heart” Social Security. And we’re going to take the message to Iowa, and Arizona, and Florida, and Maine, and Illinois, and South Carolina, and Louisiana, “Yeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!”

posted by Miles Granderson


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Dr. Benjamin Franklin

"The object and practice of liberty lies in the limitation of governmental power." --Douglass MacArthur

I don't understand why it is so hard for RTV to understand that Americans want to be FREE. The last three or four blogs have pushed saying no to social security reform. I am taking a stand by telling RTV and MTV that they do not represent me (I'm 22 years old), I can think for myself, I can make my own decisions, I don't need a big government or coporation telling me what I should be doing with my money, and that it is extremely shady for MTV to give such biased liberal information where young people may be reading this crap. Try (I know this is extremely difficult) to put aside political parties. Would you be having such an outcry if a Democratic President was suggesting Social Security reform? Well, it probably would never happen since Democrats are for big government, ruling people's lives for them, keeping the poor poor (no democrats are not for the poor man, they like to make the poor think that). I'll quit my rant now, but for God's sake think about how you are jepordizing the future of those people who actually believe that social Security is reliable. The people who trust you have a rude awakening.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the person who runs this blog have a retirement account? Or do you just rely on social security. Asking all those who oppose social security reform (and having them answer honestly) would be extremely revealing. I garuntee you that probably 90% or more of those how oppose reform have personal accounts for their retirement. So they don't trust ss to provide them with enough money for retirement?

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Using data from the Federal Reserve and the Census Bureau, a new report from the Center for Data Analysis answers these questions.[1] The results are astounding:

Personal retirement accounts would have increased retirement security by some 30 percent for baby boomers;
Personal retirement accounts would have substantially increased the net worth of baby boomers, especially low-wealth families;
About 98 percent of baby boomers would have been better off had they been able to take advantage of personal retirement accounts; and
With personal retirement accounts, baby-boomer families could have increased their retirement wealth by between $41,000 and $214,000 at age 65, in inflation-adjusted 2001 dollars.

Social Security and the Baby Boomers: What Could Have Been
by Kirk A. Johnson, Ph.D.
WebMemo #673

February 24, 2005

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are all right on, but I don't think anybody is reading this tripe anyways. is a brand new website designed to get out an alternative message. Rock the Vote doesn't speak for the youth, just for the hacks.

4:12 AM  

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