Thursday, January 13, 2005

Looking out for the kid down the street whose dad died.

Most people don’t know it, but when a parent dies or becomes disabled, Social Security steps in to provide financial support to the family. The surviving parent and each child gets a check. It’s a lifeline—an assurance that they’ll have a roof over their head, a jacket to wear to school, lunch money.

You pay for that assurance when you contribute to Social Security. Be thankful that's its there. Pray that you never need it.

But millions do. Right now, there are nearly 4 million people under the age of 19 collecting Social Security. Did you know that?

They’re largely forgotten in today’s Social Security debate, even though those benefits go to the chopping block too, if Social Security gets cut back in favor of private investments.

Think about that. It makes the issue a bit more immediate and personal, doesn’t it?

Did you or someone you know lose a parent growing up?

Rock the Vote is looking for young people who collect Social Security, or used to. We want to hear your story. So get in touch with us -- email the blog team, or call us.


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