Thursday, February 10, 2005

Generations Unite!

As you probably noticed on our home page, young and old have united! Rock the Vote and AARP have joined together to make sure you get paid the Social Security benefits that you deserve, and to prevent the kinds of cuts in benefits for young people that have been floated by advocates of privatization. Its good to have the AARP on your side.

A recent poll sponsored by Rock the Vote, AARP and the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies found that most Americans support repairing the current system, not replacing it with a privatized system. It further shows that young voters (18 to 39 yrs old), like most Americans, like private accounts but not if it means large cuts in Social Security benefits or massive government borrowing. Of course, those are the "little details" of private accounts plans that you never hear about.

This new poll is noteworthy - not just because we co-sponsored it - since the President is trying to win public backing from his plan, and especially from you - young people.

A recent Newsweek article detailing our campaign noted that in a Newsweek poll 75% of voters under 35 believe we are facing a Social Security "crisis." But even though young people are afraid that they will not receive full benefits if something is not done, a whopping 73 percent of young voters want government protection should a privatized plan prove unsucessful.

Unfortunately, with Social Security, like anything else, you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

With Social Security, you get a foundation of security to protect you while you try to invest for success with your 401(k)s and IRAs. Without Social Security, you're on your own, and there's no going back.

The numbers show, Americans - young and old alike - are worried that private accounts plans that cause large cuts in Social Security benefits will not ensure security for our generation.

There is so much inter-generational harmony in the air, maybe we an even get those Old White Men in the Virginia legislature to lay off their proposal to criminalize wearing low slung pants that show underwear. We love it when politicians try to legislate fashion. They're so in the know.

Come on Virginia, hiphop fashion is the wave of the future. Stop staring at that little piece of lace protruding from the low cut Levis on those UVA co-eds.

Update: Word is that the Virginia Senate has dropped the plan... See! They can't mess with us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

RTV says so much about FDR and all that he accomplished. I think that FDR was a great president, but if he could see what we have become, he would probably be disgusted. America has people who are completely dependent on the governemt (welfare, S.S.). Some peopel truely need help...but the help should not be for a lifetime, and S.S. should not be a person's only source of income when they retire. Our founding fathers did not have this kind of government in mind. The government is supposed to be for the people!! Basically Rock the vote and the government are telling me, and all other Americans, that we are not responsible enough to have our own money!! You should be outraged!! Young people...what would you think if you worked 40 hours a week and had your parents taking a percentage (a fairly high percentage) of your paycheck and they told you that you weren't smart enough to save it for your future? Would that not upset you? This is the same think Rock the Vote is saying to you. You are dumb, irresponsible, and incapable of using your money wisely. Please, watch MTV for the shows and music, don't take political advice from these people!!!

1:11 PM  
Blogger gjholden said...

How can anyone trust anything the comes out of this administration? WMD's given as the reason for the deaths of over 1500 of our country men. Now the Swift Boat Veteran sleeze is launching an attack on the AARP. Please, invest your money in private accounts. And pray or hope that an October of 1987, a dot com bust of the late 90's, or a 1929 never occurs. With the record debt of our country being purchased by countries like China and the United Kingdom, I think it would be better to pray. Oh, and be happy you will pay private investment firms "administrative" fees, the cost of which has never been made public. But they are there.

7:26 AM  

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