Monday, December 13, 2004

Leisure World, Afghanistan.

The draft issue was a huge part of this election and it is not going away. The Wall Street Journal recently reported how the national doctor's group (the AMA) is watching the Selective Service like a hawk for signs of a "medical draft." Although it is not exactly evident from the language of the resolution they passed at their annual meeting, many of them are starting to freak out.

Why would they be worried? Maybe they heard about Dr. John Caulfield, a Florida retiree who left the military in 1980. The 70-year-old doctor was just called back to active duty by the military. And he will be sent to Afghanistan.

Dr. Caulfield is answering the call, but this case would seem to be an indication that the military is running out of doctors. And there are plenty of civilian doctors who have some experience with gunshot wounds and the like...

Meanwhile, Washington insiders of various political persuasions, including some serious heavyweight military thinkers, will gather tomorrow for a policy forum called "Saving the All Volunteer Army".


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