Friday, March 04, 2005

Don't hold it against us that Social Security privitazation is a bad idea

If I told you that you have a beautiful body would you hold it against me?

While that may seem like a harmless and quite charming compliment at first glance, it can also be a clever way to tell a woman that you would like to press against her in an inappropriate manner.

You see, it is all how you pose the question that determines the response you will get. (Certainly, "you're hot, can I press against you?" would never qualify as harmless or charming - and could result in a black eye).

This same question form logic applies to polls. A new CBS News/New York Times Poll found that a majority of people think Social Security privatization is a bad idea, but 43% do think it is a good idea when simply asked, "is allowing people to invest their Social Security taxes a good idea?" Meanwhile, that same poll also found that only 22% think privatization is a good idea if it means a reduction in guaranteed benefits. That is exactly the thing - privatization does mean a reduction in guaranteed benefits. Even proponents cede this basic fact.

It depends on how you ask the question and which question(s) you ask (or do not ask). This is very important to keep in mind when you hear statistics and public opinion polls on Social Security reform. When questions only provide half the information with loaded questions like, "would you like to be able to invest your own Social Security money in private accounts?," most polls still find that the American public does not want privatization - but it is close due to the charming nature of the question. But when the question puts all the information on the table, public opinion is clear - we do not want any plan that reduces guaranteed benefits. The CBS News/New York Times Poll reflects this as does the recent poll sponsored by Rock the Vote, AARP, and the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (See blog post "Generations Unite!" February, 10 2005).

So, do not be fooled by seemingly-sexy private account come on lines. Social Security privatization is like that girl or guy you met at the bar last night who looks a lot different in the morning when the sun is shining in and the makeup is off.

And it seems that more and more Americans are seeing privitazation in the buff. The CBS News/New York Times Poll showed that the general trend is that support for privitization is declining.

posted by Miles Granderson


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My God, you guys have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Who's REALLY the political force behind Rock the Vote? Clearly, it's not young people -- or honest people.

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Rock the Vote, like all other entertainment industry fanatics, is completely disillusioned to the common American and his or her needs and wants. It is easy for a bunch of left wing entertaining millionaires to be happy with a service that they will not need; unless of course they become addicted to the "rock" or "X" and loose all of their money after the fad that is known as their career passes.
If you can sing, just sing, if you can act, just act but when it comes to politics just shut the hell up. After we are done voting every two years we should let the people we voted into office do their jobs!
Lastly, stop with the fear tactics already…THERE IS NOT GOING TO BE A DRAFT! Every service has met their recruiting goals since Sept 11 2001. There are many Americans who love this country and will serve a greater cause then them self.

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never thought I would actually care about Social Security, but now that I know what these politicians are trying to do to me and my friends, I'm starting to get pissed. Why do they think we don't we deserve to get our money and why are they trying to take it away? Should I be scared that my friends are going to buy it and agree to be billed for this?

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If indeed “Security privatization is like that girl or guy you met at the bar last night who looks a lot different in the morning when the sun is shining in and the makeup is off.” Than the system as it stands it like the Hooker who has a friend hiding behind the door to club you in the head and steal you blind. And unlike SS, whether you find yourself waking up next to a troll or wiping blood from your head it was your choice, you put yourself in the situation that led to either conclusion. But now you are being offered a SS choice and it’s simple, do I want to have the money taken from my pay in MY name, under my control invested in the same low risk moderate return investments congress uses, or do I want to give it to Washington with absolutely NO guarantee that I will ever see it.

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have said this more than once and you need to be corrected.

Social Security is NOT, I repeat, NOT guaranteed. It can be stopped tomorrow if Congress so chooses.

Also, why are you so opposed to people having a choice as far as how their SSI is invested? As it was stated before, you can choose to stay in the current system if you wish.

Are you not "Pro-Choice"?

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much did John Kerry pay you to post all of this on social security? No, overhauling social security is clearly too extreme of an idea. But, keeping it the way it is will clearly result in disaster 20 or 30 years from now.

P.S. -- Rock the vote clearly needs to support Bush more. I'm sick of Bush bashers critisizing every breath he takes. If you don't have anything nice to say, than SHUT UP!!!!!!

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for the truth


Gather the troops

6:38 AM  

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