Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Rock the Vote raises a voice in the Bay Area

[Editors note: The following note describes work by Kemble K. Pope, Rock the Vote’s street team coordinator for the Western U.S. Kemble joined three town hall forums yesterday with members of Congress in the Bay Area to talk about the future of Social Security. Get involved: sign up on our volunteer page.]

Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) was so excited about the enthusiastic crowd joining Rock the Vote rep Kemble Pope to chant, "There is no crisis!,” that she asked them to yell it out two more times. Speaking to overflow crowds, Rep. Woolsey was flanked by Rock The Vote and AARP to tell her constituents why it is important for ALL Americans, young and old alike, to protect Social Security from privatization.

The Marin Independent Journal reported: "Repeat after me, 'There is no crisis,'" said Kemble Pope of Rock the Vote, a nonpartisan political action group for young people. "It's just a scare tactic so we will give up what's rightfully ours - a secure future."

Kemble was pleased to see Rep. Woolsey pledge numerous times to protect and strengthen Social Security for young people and to help defeat any attempt at dismantling the country's most popular and successful program. Taking the offensive, Rep Woolsey agreed with Rock The Vote's stance that private investment is absolutely necessary, but only in addition to the safety net of Social Security. Citing the need for our country to respect savings, not debt, the Congresswoman also floated her idea of a progressive program wherein the federal government would match additional retirement investments for all wage earners in addition to Social Security. Mad props to Rep. Lynn Woolsey for Rockin' the Vote every day!

Why should young people care about Social Security? It embodies the promise of an America that values human interest over wealth. Social Security is the promise to protect our grandparents from the ravages of poverty. Social Security is the promise to assist the survivors of American workers: widows, widowers, and children. Social Security is the promise to assist disabled Americans. Social Security is part of the social contract that our grandparents and great-grandparents pledged that after a lifetime of work all American families deserve the dignity of a roof over their head and food on their table.

- Kemble Pope, Rock the Vote Western Regional Coordinator


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only started working a few years ago and once Social Security takes 6 percent of my paycheck and taxes my empolyer another 6 percent for hiring me, there's not a whole lot left over for me to save for my own employment. So here I am, trying to pay off my student loans, trying to save a little money to get a place of my own, trying to save some money so I can get married and maybe one day have a family, and trying to build a nest egg of my own for when me and my wife retire. And I've got the Greediest Generation baby boomers in front of me who paid a very low Social Security tax for most of their lives -- they already jacked up the tax once and want to do it some more so they can get all sorts of benefits that they didn't pay for. So I'm going to be paying something like 15 percent to the Greediest Generation and have way less to take care of myself and my family. So repeat after me: THERE IS A FREAKIN' CRISIS if you're younger than the Greediest Generation.

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people are communists.
The worst case of ingnorance and mindlessness I have ever seen. It's not even funny how out of touch you are. Good luck surviving the next decade with the attitude you all have. How about thinking for the future. We young people need to stand up against the communist propaganda and not accept it! WAKE UP. The AARP is taking money from us and give it to the GIVE ME generation. How about if we can decide where our money goes to? AARP is like the IRS. Thye are etitled to our money but cannot promise that we will have any of it back by time we retire. Privatiztion is the way to go. Rock the vote for PRIVATE SOCIAL SECURITY!!!!!!!! Who do they think they can fool? Communist bastards(AARP). Don't let them take your hard earned money away.
Peace out.

10:20 AM  

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