Sunday, May 15, 2005

Ivan the Great

I'm quite delighted to announce that we'll have some new contributions to this blog from Ivan Frishberg. I've known Ivan for about as long as I've been involved in politics at the national level. Ivan was the driving force behind the youth vote coalition prior to 2004 and then the highly successful New Voters Project in 2004.

He did all that seemingly in his spare time while fighting for higher education funding at U.S. PIRG as one of the country's top lobbyists for student interests. (I'm sure there's a bunch of things missing from this quick introduction that Ivan will put in his bio when we roll-out our fancy new blog in the coming weeks.)

Ivan's done more than almost anyone I can think of to wield the power of nonprofit political organizations to create public policy solutions for the issues facing young people.

Welcome, Ivan!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ivan's done more than almost anyone I can think of to wield the power of nonprofit political organizations to create public policy solutions for the issues facing young people.

Wow, you mean he actually CREATES SOLUTIONS, unlike you Hans?

Amazing. Quote a concept, that.

12:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of getting people who have mobilized young people, perhaps you should find people specializing in elder politics, given that RTV has become AARP's shill.

I do think bringing this guy in is a tacit admission that Hans et al have failed miserably in moblizing the youth. And because of that, I laugh.

7:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great, RTV is putting together a coalition against that youth

8:03 AM  

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