Monday, June 27, 2005

Students shut out of Social Security event with Pres. Bush at their own high school

So they took to the streets to protest.

On Thursday, June 23, President Bush did one of his so-called "town hall meetings" at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, Maryland.

There were a lot of students from Blair at the event. But none of them were inside. They were all outside, protesting. They were shut out.

Check out our photos from the rally here.

Its hard to see how the President will win over public support by shutting out people who disagree. According to community activists and news reports, there weren't any Blair students or alumni invited, other than the Republican activist and actor Ben Stein, who is most famous for saying, "Bueller, Bueller, Bueller." He went to Blair. But the students are laughing any more.

Rock the Vote joined the rally to lend support to the student activists, and joined a press conference organized by Progressive Maryland afterwards where Washington Director Hans Riemer said, "the real story is not inside that high school, where the President is only hearing from people who agree with him. The real story is outside, here, where hundreds of students are making their voices heard."

We took a bunch of photos and have made a little photo essay of it here.

Read the coverage in the Washington Post, the Gazette, and the MBHS school paper.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate it that our choices seem to be between Bush's fascism and Reamer's (sic) socialism. Why can't we just be free?

8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Reimer,

you ever going to take me up on my challenge to present the POSITIVES that the "Rock the Vote/Hans Reimer Plan to Save Social Security" offers me, as a sub-30 year old?

Your ignorance of my challenge- this is the fourth time I have presented it in as many weaks- is starting to become a glaring admission on your part that your "support the status quo or increase taxes" proposal has nothing good to offer the generation you claim to represent.

Answer the challenge. Prove that Rock the Vote actually has "rocks" for once.

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So where there or where there not any students included in the President's meeting?

I do, on the other hand, find it odd that RTV, a MTV outfit, would cry wolf on this tactic since none of the MTV interviews or town meetings with Presidents or Candidates seem to offer any real criticism of the individual in office or include young conservatives. The Kerry campaign comes to mind along with Clinton and Gore's appearances in the 90's (I still cringe when I'm reminded by my senior peers that my generation looked like a bunch of idiots asking the President what kind of underwear he favored).

One other point, if those pictures were suppose to tell the story of 400 people protesting how come you guys kept shooting the same people over and over again? The picture in where you state 'Wow' seeing the 'mass' (I use that lightly) of people turn back down the street clearly proves your estimate to be a bit off. Does anyone have the enrollment number of MBHS? Based on those photos Hans it appears only a small portion of the school rallied while joined by local chapters of NOW and the AARP... hardly two organizations that pride themselves on supporting young people (NOW maybe, if they hadn't become so extreme lately).

Ok, I found the answer to enrollment at Blair:

"... the current enrollment at Blair is 44 students short of the projected enrollment of 3,350 students..."

So what, less than 10% of the students rallied? Less than that if you figure the number of non-students at the rally? I think you blew this rally a bit out of proportion Hans.

For those who want the article I got that enrollment stat from:

PTSA takes on Blair overcrowding issue

Oh, and here is a better article on the protest from the school paper online that outlines the real reason many of those who protested showed up to the rally:

Protesters rally outside of Blair during speech

1:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is hilarious! I don't think I have ever seen a more one-sided view on the topic. Thank God most teenagers don't vote.

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush Prepared To Exploit 9/11

It’s a known fact. Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with Osama bin Laden. Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11. There is no connection.

Yet, according to excerpts of his speech , which have just been released, President Bush will try to distract Americans from his lack of an Iraq strategy by invoking 9/11:

They are trying to shake our will in Iraq - just as they tried to shake our will on September 11, 2001.

The only way our enemies can succeed is if we forget the lessons of September 11 … if we abandon the Iraqi people to men like Zarqawi … and if we yield the future of the Middle East to men like Bin Laden.

Another predictably pathetic attempt to play on our emotions. This time, the American people aren’t buying it.

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For goodness sake can't we stay on topic erik?

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was prevented from attending a Kerry rally last summer, so these kinds of stories bore the hell out of me.

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does seem strange to me that Bush is hosting SS meetings to which he invites people who already support his SS plans. Shouldn't he be selling the program to undecided voters?

I actually read an article that a decision won't be made until the fall. Is this true?

2:19 PM  

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