Monday, August 22, 2005

Odds on Social Security

This ended up in my email inbox this weekend, and I thought I'd share. It's one of those things that circulates on email from time to time, this time attibuted to Tavis Smiley.

"Have you heard anything about Social Security numbers, African Americans and the 5th digit of your SSN? Supposedly, if you are an African American or a minority, the 5th digit in your SSN is even and odd if you are white!

It has been said if you take a poll, most African Americans will have an even 5th digit. Rumor has it; some companies are looking at potential employees SSN to discriminate. Why not send this email to every African American and Minority that you know! I am sending this to everyone I know. Mine was even, what is yours?"

A quick check of our household proved this wrong. My fifth digit is odd, and the my spouse's is even. If the above were true, this would be the other way around. Besides, it's already been debunked as urban legend. My guess, and I may get some flack for saying this, is that this kind of urban legend is kept alive by the suspicion (somewhat justified) some African Americans have towards the U.S. government, because of things like the Tuskeegee experiment.

Can we talk about African Americans and Social Security for a minute? Back when president Bush was touting his plan to privatize Social Security (whatever happened to that anyway?) he said something interesting about African Americans and Social Security. Paul Krugman referenced it in one of his columns.

This week, in a closed meeting with African-Americans, Mr. Bush asserted that Social Security was a bad deal for their race, repeating his earlier claim that "African-American males die sooner than other males do, which means the system is inherently unfair to a certain group of people." In other words, blacks don't live long enough to collect their fair share of benefits.

Krugman's take was that Mr. Bush's argument was an old one and had already been discredited by none other than the deputy chief actuary of the Social Security Administration, who cited "major errors in the methodology" of the seven-year-old Heritage Foundation report from which Bush appears to have gotten his information.

Terry Neal also noted Bush's remark, the chilly reception his proposal received from African American audiences. He also quoted a column by Maya Rockeymoore, vice president of research and programs at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, suggesting that privitization has effects that reach far beyond retired African Americansk, and pointing out that it's far from just a retirement program.

Combined with the high risk associated with individual account investments, the outlook for African Americans, especially those on a low or fixed income, is dire.

The inheritance argument is similarly misleading. Currently, Social Security provides benefits for the surviving dependents of a worker who passes away in the prime of his or her working years. Because blacks have lower life expectancies, African American widow(er)s and young surviving children have a higher reliance on these benefits when compared to whites. Indeed, Social Security Administration figures show that 48 percent of African Americans receiving survivor benefits are children.

Nevermind that Bush failed to address the health care disparities that might affect life span among African Americans. That's another post, for another day.

The AFL-CIO has factsheets that further information on the subject.

Just looking at the retire- ment program, African American men do just as well, and probably better, than other groups. That's because African American men tend to earn lower wages on average and Social Security's progressive benefits provide higher returns for lower-income workers. And when you add in benefits for workers with disabilities and young survivors, African Americans clearly do better, on average.African Americans make up 13 percent of the working-age population, but they are 17 percent of Social Security's workers with disabilities. They make up 15 percent of the population younger than 18 but 22 percent of Social Security's surviving children beneficiaries.
Add to that the reality that some 70 percent of African American households getting Social Security have no other source of pension benefits, and that privitization could cut guaranteed benefits as much as $9,000 annually, and you get the idea that privitazation might cause a few more untimely deaths when some African Americans learn how much they're not going to be getting in benefits.

I don't know how many people received the same email that I got, but I hope that it prompts people to start thinking about Social Security again. Something tells me that, although things are quiet on that front now, sooner or later -- say in the next three years or so -- the administration is going to come back to this one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"that privitization could cut guaranteed benefits as much as $9,000 annually,"

where did that come from?

"American men tend to earn lower wages on average and Social Security's progressive benefits provide higher returns for lower-income workers."

Meaning taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that did not.

Who cares what race this impacts? We're all people and we all save for retirement. Why rely on the government for your benefits? It's riskier that way than dealing with the money yourself. Why can't each citizen make their own decision about retirement?

This whole SS system is just an income redistribution scheme I for one would be better off if I took MY money and invested how I want.

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I used to think Hans Reimer was a partisan fool who would bend and misrepresent the truth for the sake of his own personal political agenda.

But then, I met Theath.

The man who makes Hans Reimer look like a right-wing crackpot.

By the way, real good long pointless filibuster of a post there, big guy.

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got it. Black = high SS payout. Thanks Theath

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Krugman's take was that Mr. Bush's argument was an old one and had already been discredited by none other than the deputy chief actuary of the Social Security Administration, who cited "major errors in the methodology" of the seven-year-old Heritage Foundation report from which Bush appears to have gotten his information.

You didn't provide any details about this but I'm familiar with this actuary's POS memo that claimed errors in the Heritage Foundation paper on this and it's full of it. I'll try to prepare an explaination of why if anyone's interested but consider this: This guy works for the SSA for a living so asking him for an assessment of the program's prudence is like asking an insurance salesman about your need to buy whole life.

3:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out for more on why social security is a horrible, racist program.

3:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When exactly did people quit thinking about social security? Furthermore, when did the administration suddenly stop talking about it? For most of us that watch/read the news or are just informed in general, we don't need a chain email to stimulate our minds toward SS.

9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to be an Americansk. How do I become one?

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hans appears to have a new playmate. Theath, tell me where you come up with such drivel? Citing Krugman was your first mistake, but referencing an AFL-CIO report? What were you thinking?? Cuz we know that THEY have never been unbiased...Stick to the SSA and CBO reports, my man.

And please do visit a judge and have your name changed will be cheaper than the cost of a speech pathologist for the rest of us : )

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't trust the SSA either. For example, they actually view the socialist insecurity "trust fund" as actually being able to fund future liabilities which is completely butt wrong. And as I said above, that SSA actuary's report about SS's effects on black america was full of it too.

2:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Theath.... pronounced (Theif)

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you read the article it claims the statement is wrong for these reasons.

1. That the low life expectancy of blacks is only that low if you factor in the death of the youth.
That those who live into their 60's usually live well into old age.

2. Those that live into old age collect higher benefits due to low income.

So, 1. If you die when you are young, fuck you. It doesnt count, and the money youve paid into social security is gone. As opposed to you keeping the money throughout your lifetime. In otherwords, the statements of the heritage report are wrong because as we all know, YOUNG black men dont count.

2. Older blacks deserve to collect more because they are usually less well off. So the blacks that dont die earlier on recieve greater benefits. Sounds like SS to me.
Benefits for the few, off the backs of the many.

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's another particularly perniscious fact about blacks and social security. Because of their lower average earnings, they're less likely to have other savings that they can pass on to their heirs. This lack of inherited wealth is one of the greatest barriers to economic mobility.

But of course when people can take care of themselves and their own, they don't need interest groups to lobby on their behalf, so letting seniors pass on their wealth isn't in the best interest of the AARP.

1:30 PM  

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