Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Still Rockin'. Two days ago was the deadline for California voter registrations. The final tally is in: 1500 people in one day used Rock the Vote's online voter registration tool to fill out their forms!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember,

Vote Yes on 74, 75, 76, and 77.

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your dad is a good teacher, then he has nothing to worry about.

All 74 does is make it easier to weed out the bad teachers before they become permanently entrenched in the bureaucracy.

When will people realize that Teachers Unions don't protect teachers; they protect educrats while hurting students, taxpayers, and good teachers.


5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been reading up on some of the props and I actually think that 78 is a better option than 79. 78 would be implemented right away, helping those who really need the coverage, whereas 79 would get held up in courts...I haven't seen too much about 74 yet. I'll have to check that one out as well.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote NO on public education. Homeschool instead.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not all kids can home school. You have parents who work during the day, and the depend on their kid at a public school, so that way they don't have to worry about the kid being home alone. Some kids don't get all of the subjects at home school. If you have parents who do not speak a forign language, then the kid will not learn. Home school all depends on the parents ability to teach. So you end up having kids home school half the day, but still go to school for regular classes

Nothing could be further from the truth.

I really urge you to check out for an explanation of homeschooling cooperatives.

In short, working in cooperation with others in your neighborhood, you can arrange for a superior education of your children at low cost even if you are a two income family. Yes you would have to plan things carefully but one's child's education is worth it.

P.S. Government school teachers definitely don't have to know a subject in order to teach it. They just need a teaching certificate and that is frequently all they have.

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good to run into you here.

This proves that we operate in different ways.

I want to work within the system. You want to destroy the system.

While I agree that the system needs to die eventually; I disagree over the means to end it.

Granted; Riemer can enter a whore off with PH or Mister S. any day.

2:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This proves that we operate in different ways.

I want to work within the system. You want to destroy the system.

"Destroy the system"? What the hell are you talking about? It's a shame that when someone advocates ending a disfunctional government program, you insist that it's destructive.

But I certainly didn't need any "proof" that we "operate in different ways". I'd bet that a fascist neo-con like you would, for example, advocate government vouchers to "fix" the rotting cesspools that are government schools. Of course, all that would really do is allow state and federal mandates to infect private schools and possibly homeschools as well.

8:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hm, I'm not a fan of homeschooling. It works very well depending on the situation, but children miss out on fundemental aspects of social interaction. There is a lot of learning that goes on outside of the classrooms as well.

As for 74, I think it might be a dangerous prop. to pass. There are many reasons why a teacher might be let go and not all of them are legit. Plus, teaching is one of the most important jobs in society and I don't think we honor respect the position enough.

How do you all stand on some of the other props? Like 73, 78 and 79. It will be interesting to see the outcome. As I mentioned before, I definitely prefer 78 over 79.

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hm, I'm not a fan of homeschooling. It works very well depending on the situation, but children miss out on fundemental aspects of social interaction. There is a lot of learning that goes on outside of the classrooms as well.

That's such an ignorant comment. Setting aside how much better homeschooling is under any possible educational metric, it's incredibly ignorant to say that being surrounded only by a bunch of kids your own age is a good idea. Homeschoolers have the freedom to spend a greater amount of time out in the real world interacting with people of different ages. They have more time to do so since it takes them way less time to learn the same material than their peers in government school and it's way easier to arrange field trips when you don't have to coordinate an entire government school grade to do so.

Why don't you actually try reading about all the options for private and home schooling including homeschooling cooperatives instead of making ignorant statements? Try here:

1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and you might be surprised to learn that the average private school gets better results than government schools despite spending less money per pupil. Homeschooling too..

1:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't say that it was not successful. In fact, for certain children it can be the best form of learning. I've known several people who have been homeschooled and they are extremely bright.

However, it is more difficult to find the same type of socialization if you are homeschooled. For instance, I know it would have been difficult for me because I am shy and even if I was doing a lot of extra curricular activities outside of homeschooling I would have been reluctant to open up.

You are right, I don't know everything about the methods. But I can have an opinion about it without beeing called ignorant. I'm sorry if I offended you. What I said was not meant in a vicious way. It is merely my opinion.

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's such an ignorant comment. Setting aside how much better homeschooling is under any possible educational metric, it's incredibly ignorant to say that being surrounded only by a bunch of kids your own age is a good idea.

Typical liberal facism. It was, long time ago when I was younger, a great thing to be a liberal. It meant you were open to other's ideas, that you cared about other's feelings, thoughts, ways. Not anymore, now to be a liberal, you have to be viscous, vitreal, hateful and totally malcontent, makes me glad I grew up

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical liberal facism. It was, long time ago when I was younger, a great thing to be a liberal. It meant you were open to other's ideas, that you cared about other's feelings, thoughts, ways. Not anymore, now to be a liberal, you have to be viscous, vitreal, hateful and totally malcontent, makes me glad I grew up

How is being in favor of homeschooling fascist exactly? Are you aware of the fact that our government schools were modeled after prussian (german) schools with the intent on creating obedient little workers? Government schooling is fascism.

3:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

However, it is more difficult to find the same type of socialization if you are homeschooled. For instance, I know it would have been difficult for me because I am shy and even if I was doing a lot of extra curricular activities outside of homeschooling I would have been reluctant to open up.

You are right, I don't know everything about the methods. But I can have an opinion about it without beeing called ignorant. I'm sorry if I offended you. What I said was not meant in a vicious way. It is merely my opinion.

Yes, you can have an opinion without knowing a thing about a subject. And people who know what they're talking about will correctly observe that you're ignorant.

If you aren't familiar with what a homeschooling cooperative is, your opinion of homeschooling's affects on one's socialization is exactly that.

3:09 AM  
Blogger mescane said...

penis enlargement

10:59 AM  

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