Monday, December 12, 2005

A good article from Illinois about how young people are getting more engaged in politics, with a good quote from Dave Rosenfeld at New Voters Project: “In general, young people are increasingly becoming a political force,” said Rosenfeld. “This is a generation coming into it’s own politically.”

Also, an article from the UK reviewing the state of hip-hop and politics. The article notes "Rap the Vote" which is a project of Rock the Vote, and has actually been an ongoing effort since shortly after Rock the Vote was founded in 1990. Russell Simmons was Chairman of Rap the Vote in 2002, and then started the Hip Hop Summit Action Network; a great partner to Rock the Vote.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this address the fact that Hip-Hop action network just shilled themselves to one of the most corrupt local officials in America today? That would be Kwame Kilpatrick, the current mayor of Detroit.

Of course, he did get them the Super Bowl. He tries to take credit for the Pistons, but I think Joe Dumars deserves more of the credit there.

2:56 PM  

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