Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Young Americans Dominate 2006 Election

The polls are closed, most of the dust has settled, and two things are clear from the 2006 midterm elections: (1) Democrats can claim and overwhelming victory; and (2) young Americans can claim a lot responsibility for it.

Yesterday, the youth share of the electorate grew substantially from its 2002 level (13% from 11%), the youth voter turnout rate grew from its 2002 level (24% from 20%), and young Americans voted overwhelmingly in favor of Democrats (60% vs. 38%).

For more information how young Americans shaped yesterday's election, check out the statistics from CNN and Young Voter Strategies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the "young Americans" are also, then, responsible for this:

Nice job, "young people"! Next time, instead of going to the polls, just shoot yourselves in the face. Not much of a difference between the two, except Hans doesn't endorse the latter since it doesn't do his leftist agenda any good.

Enjoy your draft, kids. But don't's all BUSH'S FAULT!

By the way, this is only the beginning of the "told you so's" that you "young people" will be receiving. When the Democrats raise Social Security taxes a few months from now, Hans will no doubt squeal with glee. Just remember, you "young people" had a chance to avoid this by actually advocating true SS reform last year instead of following Mr. Reimer's blind tax-and-spend approach.


10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Sarcasism just makes you sound like a jerk.
2. Link no longer works.

The youth just want change. It's obvious that this administration is not helping the U.S. We have more enemys than before. Fiscal Discipline? Who can do that while spend billions on a war. The list can go on...The democrats probably aren't so fabulous either but at least they can stop some of the idiot moves the other admin. does now.

I don't really believe the draft is all that bad. If you think about it, it should be part of your duty to protect the freedoms this country has as a U.S. citizen. The draft might stir up more people to do something. We're too conplacent with our lives that we're making excuses not to deal with political issues in general. Oh, if the senator's sons and daughters have to join may be they will think twice before supporting any war.

7:58 AM  

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