Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Why Vote??? Make your own video statement!

Rock the Vote’s brand new event on AOL UnCut Video has just gone live and we’re very excited about it. Check it out at

This year, rather than showing you why different celebrities are going to vote, we want you to tell us why you’re voting. We’re asking the question, “Why vote?” with the hope that you’ll tell the world what makes you want to Rock the Vote. Simply put, we want to hear your statement.

For this campaign, we’ve chosen to host an event on AOL’s UnCut Video, a user-generated-video website that has great tech specs. With UnCut Video you can upload your statement directly to our group from any of a number of recording devices—camcorder, webcam, digital camera, cell phone, etc.—making it incredibly easy to record your statement and share it with the world.

What motivates you to vote? The war in Iraq? Student debt? Global warming? Those “I voted” stickers? Regardless of your reason, let’s take this chance to tell the world why we’re voting. Keep in mind that we’re all voters, not directors, there's no need to make a music video. Just push record, make your statement, and upload it to our event.

My colleagues at Rock the Vote and some of our friends have already posted some of our statements. We can’t wait to hear from you.


Blogger High Power Rocketry said...


: )

Not really, but it is still a good thing to do.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Oberon said...

......the art of peace is medicine for a sick world.......morihei ueshiba.

2:12 PM  
Blogger everydayjoe said...

another left wing setup to have illegals and dead people register for the dems, for those reading this look up the facts most left wing get out and vote org. have been proven to get dead,felons and illegals to register. So, how about getting elected on issues and not supressing the vote of your opponent.

2:53 PM  
Blogger txdave said...

Nice lookin blog, interesting writing too.

I like color, so your red stands out to me. Check my blogs, see what you thihk:

thnks dave

2:59 PM  
Blogger Renegade said...

Vote for the issues, not for the Democrats!

Watch out for the Democratic TV Ad TRICKERY!!!

Check out Renegade's BS

4:37 PM  
Blogger Amerikaz Most Wanted interactive entertainment said...

this is good blog with a decent cause. people are thoiugh get educated on the issues then vote. in my view that all the more reason why the republicans all full of it. as for trickery didn't we get tricked into a rebpublican president? republican tv ads can be far more scandolous once you really review the issues.

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be very curious to see if there are any younger voters who post to this website and say that it's conservitive ideas that motivate them. Ideas like lower taxes, reforming social security, stopping infanticide (aka abortion), protecting America by winning the War on Terror, stopping illegal immigration, more opportunity for everyone through fewer government regulations and health care governed by the market and not insurance companies/the government, to name a few.

7:51 PM  
Blogger BionicBuddha said...

There never seems to be enough real debate about issues...campaigns are run on smear tactics, soley to discredit the opponent.

8:01 PM  
Blogger mr. maki mmkaaayy said...

these guys comments talk about the issues. haha if they do get elected on the issues they never follow thru, and if they do its at the end of their term and up for re-election. im not saying just one party is doing this. its all of them. political position anymore is for their personal finance and not really running the country. greed is the new democracy.

9:02 PM  
Blogger Clinton Forbes said...

Where I live, Australia, it is mandatory to vote. It is probably the major difference between the US democracy and ours. Although a lot of people whine about it, I think that it is a pretty good idea. You can't complain about the ruling class if you don't actually bother to have your say.

Although if you live in a safe Labor electorate like me, your say isn't worth much really. It is only those that live in swinging electorates that seem to get any money spent on them.

9:10 PM  
Blogger Bilingsby Morris Belvedere said...

Thank God for Jerry Brown.
at least that, at least that.

2:31 AM  
Blogger Gruff said...

Actually Clinton Forbes, it's not mandatory to vote in Australia, its just mandatory to turn up. You can still leave your voting slip blank if you want.

3:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:53 AM  
Blogger darkman said...

Vote Martin o Sullivan,Berties right hand man.

8:11 AM  
Blogger Allison Miranda said...

I'M voting out of respect for my predecessors that fought, bled and died for the opportunity to vote.
Also, if you don't vote, you can't complain, right?

9:38 AM  
Blogger Heidi on Vashon said...

This is a great way to get more people involved in "the voting voice" and it's a highly creative channel to do so! Rock on. And Vote!

10:22 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It is a great opportunity for photgraphy and filming lovers, who can share, post and do many things.
This is a good creative channle for such people.

10:34 AM  
Blogger My Planet B612 - Raining Pleasure fan club said...

Hi guys,
nice blog.

Check Raining Pleasure, the best undiscovered band from Europe at: or youtube (excellent videos - search for Love Me, Love Me video!), or, etc



11:14 AM  
Blogger OhPunk! said...

Awesome concept! A vdeio by the people..

VOTE! It's your RIGHT!!!

** Shaun **
My awesome blog:


11:48 AM  
Blogger Lauren Moorhouse said...

I love this concept!! Rock the vote... its your voice. Make it count ppl!

check out my blog at:

1:39 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Yeah, voting is important here in the UK kind of seems pointless though the only two parties that can win are practically the same. Both stand for the same things but oh well still better than apathy i guess.

Increase google adsense revenue

7:14 PM  
Blogger Lenny said...

You guys do good, good work. If only those of us in Canada could vote in your election...!

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im not voting because I believe this country is lost. It's been taken over by corporate crooks, and special interest thugs.

Our sovernty is being depleted by the UN.

Mexico is floodng us with people who come here illegaly.

And our politicians do nothing but sling dirt back and forth

Its over folk. We're domed.

That's why I'm not voting.

2:20 AM  
Blogger WmDavid said...

Good post and a very good idea. People who don't vote are just lazy and love to bitch. It has always astounded me that folks that are to lazy to put forth any effort always find the passion to complain.
bezcool and vote!

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This got me inspired, and I've gotten a group of us together to vote in support of the troops and Iraq! Gotta stay and help Iraq!

Rock the Vote!

11:51 AM  
Blogger jedimerc said...

If you don't vote, don't complain. Those of us who have done our civic duty, regardless of our feelings for the government, should have every right to praise or complain to our elected officials.

I simply vote because, historically, few people have had that right to influence change, no matter how little we might affect it in a representative republic. It's better than many of the alternatives. In most parliamentary democracies, you just get to vote for the party, then they choose their candidate. And remember, we've only been able to vote for senators since the early 1900's... before that they were all appointed.

Let us also not forget that many a soul has died for our right to vote. At least honor them, if nothing else.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Joby said...

congrats being a blog note

it is interesting blog.
I am making a site introducing blogs of all over the world.

Indian Girls

1:13 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

The reason I'm voting?

I'm sick and tired of the poor leadership and scandals that are ubiquitous in both the Republican and Democrat parties, so I'm voting a straight third-party ticket to show that I'm fed up!

It's high time for a change, and voting for the same two old parties which really aren't that much different isn't going to make it happen.

If you're fed up too, I encourage you to vote third party also. Here are some options: Libertarian, Reform, Constitution, and Green.

Don't waste your vote. Vote third party!

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, to make a change, we must all vote and lets all make sure we vote for someone good this time or atleast better than Bush.


TCA peel

Headlight Restoration

8:04 PM  
Blogger Elsie said...

Voting has to count for something. That is why so much $$, time, and energy is spent on getting your vote. Even Star Jones is jumping into the campaingning vanwagon, backing Ted Strickland. He's running for gov. of Ohio, you know. ;)

12:13 AM  
Blogger said...

NIce Blog

Check Out My Page

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Special sale for nonsuch account area6 1-60 level(rabbi, warrior or magician)sell sincerely!game

2:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola Hola

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:42 AM  
Blogger Northeast Liberal said...

Will your vote count? Will your vote matter? the answer is yes and yes. It is time to stop with the mindless spin, colorful backdrops at speeches, and made for media packaging. Our country is at stake. We need to fix the national debt issue. Do not fall for "well, as a percentage of GDP..." If I am making $25,000 a year or $80,000 a year, carrying a big balance on my credit card means that I am getting credit card companies rich... the US is making China rich.

We must be agressive in moving away from fossil fuels. This mean not just new vehicles, but also a greater use of solar and wind, zero energy homes, green manufactuing with lower costs of production to make America competitive again.

Finally, we must provide universal health care for every American. To start, we should cover all Americans 0 - 18 years old, by allowing people to buy-in to Medicare and Medicaid. This is the cheapest segment of the population to insure. We can then insure everyone else with a series of public private partnership, but life and death should not be a money making business.

Please VOTE!!!!!! (Hopefully for change... aka Demcrat).

General Election Matchup
Talent 49% 51%
McCaskill 49 43
Other/undec 2 6

General Election Matchup
Menendez 51%
Kean 44
Other/undec 5
In Ohio:
General Election Matchup
Brown 54% 51%
DeWine 43 43
Other/undec 3 6
General Election Matchup
Casey 50%
Santorum 39
Other/undec 11
In Tenn
General Election Matchup
Corker 52% 47%
Ford 44 45
Other/undec 4 8
Let's hope this closes, but I am afraid the South will let us down once again.
IN VA (Wow!!!!)
General Election Matchup
Webb 50% 48%
Allen 46 46
Other/undec 4 6

4:17 PM  
Blogger kris said...

What i want to say can best be said in this:

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please vote George Bush Jr. out of office. As a former soldier who served under his father,Mr. Reagan and the Great President Bill Clinton. I'd only serve under one of these men if I had the chance don't have to be a "Rocket scientist" to figure it out. Bush Jr. has gotten so many young kids hurt and killed. I don't see how he can sleep at night. The bottom line is that he,Cheney,Rumsfeld want oil. Condi is too stupid to know the difference and punk Powell got out before they forced him out!

11:53 AM  
Blogger reidwalldrippy said...

Vote for the woman sitting at the table at the polling place near the post office that you don't use anymore,in a neighborhood that she might live in near yours that you'll probably never visit,as she talks to someone else anyway you don't know,and holds the pen to the copy of your signature in the polling place book.You'll probably never see her again,and someone in the local news will copy her.In other countries she wears a military political band on her arm--'SING ONE for the FATLADY these days?'-happy to be an american and voting DEMocrat.

2:46 PM  
Blogger clearthought said...

I blog a lot about the elections on my blog,

Congrads on making the Blogs of Note list!

7:34 PM  
Blogger OTTO's DAUGHTER said...

hmmmmmmmmm...I say vote for Otto's Daughter....:)

10:53 PM  
Blogger Charlie on the PA Turnpike said...

Yes, do vote, but do so only after you've educated yourselves, and not just from The Daily Show.

READ! Read what each candidate has done, or in the case of new candidates, at least promises to do.

Don't assume that if it's on the front page, it's true. Just as Sen. George Allen was accused (by one person) of putting the head of an animal in an African American's mailbox, his opponent admitted to having shot a rifle over the head of African Americans 'for fun'. One story made headlines, the other admission did not.

Don't believe the hype: the Bush tax cuts went to ALL tax payers... not just the rich. If you paid federal income taxes, YOU got a cut.

Open your eyes, open your mind... the decision you make affects you and yours as much as it does everyone else in the country.

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MF WOW CDK and OF WOW CDK will be activated at a sale within 40 days! Buy more ,the price will be much

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We promise sincerely to sell the US and EU gold to you by the lowest price . Welcome to interact with us whatever you are the big union or

4:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hope in the war, the seed in the old grudge, exhausted in the evil monster world!game

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our slogan is: you can talk when you need!Thare is no problem what we can not

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a game, I am not a world, I am WOWgame

9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hope in the war, the seed in the old grudge, exhausted in the evil monster world!game

3:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is a full-bodied son?What again is to flavor son?What just is quite tasty==the wow let you enjoy full flavorgame

10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Domestic Powerleveling service supplies the lower price for gold sale and collects the MF,OF gold. We will create the first WOW territory and make the furthest WOW career for you on our

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MF WOW CDK and OF WOW CDK will be activated at a sale within 40 days! Buy more ,the price will be much

2:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweet videos.

11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Young people should vote not only in the higher level races, but also in local government. This man, Al Zucaro, stands for the people of the City...not the developers, not the big money hitters - so much so that HE has set his campaign policy to limit the amount of contributions to $100.00 per contributor as opposed to his deep-pocketed opponent.

If you are a RESIDENT of the CITY OF WEST PALM BEACH, and are a registered voter,we NEED your signature on petition cards in order to get on the ballot and give the current mayor a run for her money!!!!! In case you did not know, a candidate may take the easy road, pay $7500.00 and have their name placed on the ballot. The other option is to hit the pavement go to neighborhoods, talk to people, listen to people and get your name on the ballot the old fashioned way.

GET THE WORD OUT FOLKS.... we need help getting into the neighborhoods to get these cards signed, we need people to show up at press conferences and hold signs, We NEED YOU!!!!!!

Again, if you or someone you know lives in WPB and wants to help the campaign, call the campaign office at 820-1410.

9:25 PM  

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