Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Reuters: Youth Voter Turnout in 2006 Biggest in 20 Years

Quite belatedly, here's an article about the 2006 youth voter turnout that you should read. With two elections in a row showing large increases in turnout, we're now looking to 2008 to prove conclusively whether this is indeed a new generation of voters.

Youth turnout in election biggest in 20 years
17:36 ET, Wed 8 Nov 2006

By Jason Szep

BOSTON, Nov 8 (Reuters) - Young Americans voted in the largest numbers in at least 20 years in congressional elections, energized by the Iraq war and giving a boost to Democrats, pollsters said on Wednesday.

About 24 percent of Americans under the age of 30, or at least 10 million young voters, cast ballots in Tuesday's elections that saw Democrats make big gains in Congress. That was up 4 percentage points from the last mid-term elections in 2002.

"This looks like the highest in 20 years," said Mark Lopez, research director of the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, which compiled the data based on exit polls. "Unfortunately, we can't say if it's a record because don't have good comparable data before 1986."

Rock the Vote, a youth-and-civics group, said young voters favored Democrats by a 22-point margin, nearly three times the margin Democrats earned among other age groups and dealing a potentially decisive blow to Republicans in tight races.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Rock the Vote, a youth-and-civics group, said young voters favored Democrats by a 22-point margin, nearly three times the margin Democrats earned among other age groups and dealing a potentially decisive blow to Republicans in tight races."

And with that support they put into power the one party whose members are actively working to reinstate a draft. Of course you won't find that information here on Rock The Vote, because they can no longer falsely accuse Bush of being behind the bill that will hit the house floor in January.

BTW Hans, when are you going to get around to blogging about Rangel's bill now that he's on record on several occasions stating he is quite serious about the draft? Should I hold my breath or did you and the rest of the Rock The Vote gang tire of posting about the Draft back in 2004 when you were lying about the President (a quick search of the September-October 2004 archives here on the RTV blog will illustrate the non-stop blogging done by RTV on this subject before the 04 Presidential elections)?

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Hans Reimer will eventually blog about Rangel's draft bill, as soon as it passes.

But he'll only do it if Bush signs the bill, or if Bush's veto is overriden. That way, the partisan hack known as Hans Reimer will actually have REASON to bring it up.

Reimer's partisan hackery is disgusting. I used to actually consider myself a Democrat, but slowly over time I figured out that organizations like Rock the Vote do nothing more than ram partisan garbage down the throats of young people like myself. Now I think for myself.

And I'm glad others see Hans's hackery for what it is. 9 out of every 10 posts on this blog rail this guy for his obnoxiously partisan posts. I'm glad, because it shows some hope for this country, that we as a generation can think for ourselves - even if guys like Hans Reimer want us to think in a dronelike partisan fashion.

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is funny that this organization fails to admit that they are clearly liberal. Look at the sponsors they have. Most of them are businesses and organizations that support a liberal agenda. No wonder most of the young voters went liberal. The young mind is very impressionable and this is never more clear than now. These organizations have young adults' attention; more so than many other businesses. I find it sad that they mask their intentions (ie getting young people to be afraid of a false draft, reporting news that is clearly liberal in nature, etc.) It is clear that these organizations are feeding Rock The Vote money to carry out their liberal agenda. Pathetic.

Why is it pathetic?

I am a young voter and I would consider myself libertarian. I think it is the stupidest thing when people with a good cause use their influence in a manipulative manner. This is exactly what RTV is doing and I want to challange young voters to stand up and think for themselves instead of listening to this. We are Americans and we let people think for us. No more. Don't believe everything you hear. Its sad that people have to make up things about another party in order to scare young people to vote liberal. RTV please stop. Don't you see how wrong this is? Have you no morals? Its amazing that someone would stoop so low. Fix it please. Thank you.

2:39 AM  
Blogger Little Wing said...

To Tyler and others - what should rtv be doing insteas? Im interested to know as rtv is being run in australia now and we are a non partisan campaign - what do you want the message to be?

12:04 AM  
Blogger cara said...

tyler....I found your comment interesting. I think that you're entitled to your opion but where do you get the feeling that they're trying to convince people to become liberal? I think that this website is just trying to get younger people out at the polls outting their own opions on the ballots and obviously they must be doing something right if the turn out for the congressional elections was so great. I think that the younger voters are paying more attention to the campaigns and really getting involved in elections. I think that the candidates need to target some of their campaing towards their younger voters and really reach out to them. Since the turn out for the congressional elcetion was so great I think that the presidential race will only have more younger voters.

7:34 AM  

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