Friday, July 20, 2007

Stop Reading Polls

It seems everyone and every agency is trying to pinpoint who the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates will be some five months before the primary season begins. Though this is normal behavior, a New Hampshire news article suggests that polls may not be indicative of any certain outcome. Building on previously mentioned issues with polling, the latest UNH Survey Center presidential primary poll suggests that most New Hampshire voters--both Republicans and Democrats--have not made a final decision on which candidate they will support in the 2008 primaries. However, they DO still respond to their currently-favored candidate when pollsters call their homes rather than claim themselves as undecided, meaning that the poll results may be skewed. This is good news for the campaigns of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Fmr. Sen. John Edwards (D-NC), who have both slipped from frontrunners among their party to fourth place in the most recent polls.

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Blogger Jessica Garrett said...

But does the American voter want to be contacted by the political robo calls?

You sit down to dinner and the next thing you hear is the phone ring and it interupts your dinner.

I ask this question because of the following.

Citizens for Civil Discourse (CCD), a newly formed non partisan non profit (501 c3), is interested in your opinion.

CCD's mission is to elevate and restore civil political discourse in the US.

There are many ways to do so and countless tactics.

CCD is thinking about focusing on giving you, the voter, control over the political conversation, rather than the politician.

To do this, CCD will create content and tools to allow US voters to control the political conversation.

Instead of politicians controlling the conversation by sending us (the voter) messages via phone, email, and direct mail we will control this via:

1. A national do not contact registry for political communications.

This registry would allow the you, the voter to tell politicians:

* Who you want to hear from

-- Example: Hillary or Rudy

* How you would like to hear from them

-- Example: Email but NOT via phone

* When you would like to hear from them

-- Example: Monday at 10 AM

* What you would like to hear about

-- Example: The War; education; energy; gun rights; gun control

Learn more at:

8:15 PM  

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