Monday, June 02, 2008

New Interns at Rock the Vote

You know it's finally summer time when the interns arrive. Our office is now full of college students from around the country. Take a second to wish them hello!
Hey there everyone, my name is Rebekah Ontiveros. Rather than adopting the couch potato lifestyle this summer I wanted to get on board the surge of excitement that surrounds the 2008 Presidential Election. Equally motivating for me to become involved this summer is that this is the first Presidential Election that I am old enough to vote in!

This summer I will be spending my time in the communications department here at Rock The Vote. I am so excited to be an intern at an organization as fabulous as this one. I have always had a passion for politics and social awareness so it only seemed natural that I would find myself at a place as cool as RTV. I love talking about anything political in nature and therefore I can have a conversation on anything and everything. I am an online networking junkie and so you can pretty much catch me on either my Myspace or Facebook. I claim the western part of the country as "home" and have lived in Alaska, Nevada, and Oklahoma. I now live in Virginia and I proudly attend the University of Maryland (Fear The Turtle). I can't wait to get into all the exciting projects they have in store for me and I look forward to meeting tons of new people that I will be working with. I am so very proud to be a contributing member of the team here and to help further the ongoing effort to ROCK THE VOTE!
Stay tuned for more posts from our fabulous interns!

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