Friday, June 27, 2008

One More Reason

One more reason why voting matters, from our newest summer intern:
Hi! I'm Maeve Hallman and I am a rising senior at the Potomac School in McLean, Virginia. The 2008 Election is the first election that I have followed since its start. I realize that its outcome will affect the youth of America in an infinite number of ways. The winner of the 2008 Election will make world-changing decisions and set our country in a new direction. He must take action regarding gas prices, health care, and of course, the War in Iraq. We will face the short and long term consequences of our next President's decisions.

I cannot vote in the upcoming election because my 18th birthday is not until December. I'm envious of everyone who is able to vote for the candidate they believe in. However, I am very excited to be working with Rock the Vote, and look forward to encouraging those who can vote to register!

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