Wednesday, June 25, 2008

From Madonna to Christina

I'm watching Christina Aguilera and Heather Smith on Larry King Live right now, and both of them are doing a fabulous job talking about the youth vote and Christina Aguilera's new PSA, which will be released in the next few weeks.

Larry King is looking back at Rock the Vote over the last two decades and how the new spot pays tribute Madonna's original PSA which launched the young voter registration campaign back in 1992. It's amazing how far Rock the Vote and the young voter movement has come.

Back in 1992, Madonna wrapped herself in the American flag and filmed a spot to the tune Vogue. Today, Christina Aguilera sings a lullaby to her newborn son, wrapped in the American flag.

Christina is talking now about how she didn't vote until recently, and she regrets not voting as an eighteen year old. But she's signed on to help us register two million young voters this year-- the largest young voter registration campaign in history. We couldn't be happier to have her on board.

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