Monday, June 23, 2008

Christina Aguilera and Larry King Live!

Christina Aguilera and Rock the Votes Heather Smith will be on CNN's Larry King Live to discuss Rock the Vote's brand spanking new PSA!

Be sure to tune into Larry King Live this Wednesday at 9pm EST and 6pm PST to see Christina, Heather and Larry talk about the importance of the Youth vote!

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Blogger Rose dL said...

I have heard Christina Aguilera only a few times, older as I am than the current pop crowd, but have always been impressed with her voice. The interview with Larry King left me even more impressed by her ability to articulate her views on current election and her support for Rock The Vote. I hope that she does help get the young/first-time voters to translate their optimism and enthusiasm into actual votes in November. For Christina Aguilera and the Obama supporters, here's a song you might want to hear out of youtube:

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She would have been more effective if she could hold eye contact with larry king for more than 2 seconds. Hard to watch interview for me.

12:12 AM  

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