Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Vote for All American Rejects

Growing up in the central PA punk rock scene, I never knew where I should take my band past the boundary of my hometown. Being that we were equidistant from both Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, it was all guess work which city we should try to head towards. We always wished there was a way to figure out where our online fanbase actually lived. If only we had something like Eventful in our lives back then.

Eventful allows fans to request to have their favorite performers play in their town. So Mike from San Jose, CA can let Juan in St. Louis know that he likes him enough to want him to come across the country to play a show. And this is the spirit of the All American Rejects/Eventful/Rock the Vote competition.

The Idea is that the top 5 cities who request AAR to play will get a show. It doesn't matter if you're from Alaska or California, if you get enough people to participate and VOTE for them to play in your town they will. It's a pretty democratic take on touring if you ask me.

And when you click to demand that All American Rejects come to play in your town, you'll have the opportunity to register to vote on the spot. Democracy at its best.

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