Thursday, July 03, 2008

Hello from a summer intern

We're coming up on one of my favorite holidays, July 4th, so this blog will be taking a short vacation out of respect to summer, America, and whatever fun you can get up to this weekend. Check back next week, and as you watch the fireworks or grill some hotdogs, take a second to remember that our country wouldn't really exist without voting:

My name is Jane Maglaque and I am the new media intern at Rock the Vote! I can’t wait to begin to do different work with various events and projects here and I am super excited to be working and living in Washington, DC.

I am 18 years old and from Sharon, Connecticut. I have just graduated from The Millbrook School located in Millbrook, New York and this coming fall will be starting at Mount Holyoke College as a freshman. I love to travel, play squash and tennis, and be outside. My favorite city in the entire world is Rome, Italy. I have one sister, 21 and a half-brother who is 8.

I am thrilled to be working with Rock the Vote because of its importance and the importance of voting in my and other young people’s lives. It is essential to vote for several reasons. Voting makes you both a responsible and contributing member of society. It is an outlet to express how you feel and how you want your government to be run. Perhaps most importantly however, voting gives you the power to make some of the most important decisions that one could possible make.

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