Saturday, August 23, 2008

NEWS: Obama picks Joe Biden as Running Mate

Today Senator Barack Obama named Senator Joe Biden as his running mate in this year's presidential race. This is HUGE news for young people everywhere.

How is the the Senator from Delaware being named as the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee HUGE news for young people? Is it because Biden is the Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations? Probably not. Is it because he was born in Scranton, PA-- the setting for the hit show The Office? Maybe for some, but not for us here at Rock the Vote. Is it because at 30 years old (in 1973) he is the youngest person EVER elected to the U.S. Senate? YES!

Rock the Vote hopes that Joe Biden's rise to the Senate at 30 years old and now his run for Vice President of the United States inspires young people all over the country to get involved and run for office. Rock on Joe and congrats!

-- Guest Post by Michelle Mayorga

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