Friday, September 05, 2008

Fall Interns!

With only 2 months to go until Election Day, Rock the Vote is excited to welcome our new fall interns.

Here's a word from Sarah Dallon, a student at Roger Williams University:
I’m Sarah and I am interning for Rock the Vote this fall. I’m so excited to be here in D.C. during such an exciting election year! Seeing this is my first time voting in a Presidential Election and I’m only in D.C. for the semester I had my absentee ballot sent and I’m ready to Rock the Vote! Back at school in Rhode Island I have participated in political fund raisers, rallies, and meet and greets, but this is my first time other than voting in the primary to truly have my voice heard. As a young voter and political science major I undoubtedly have an interest in politics but with everything going on recently who couldn’t help but become interested and inspired about the upcoming election.With that said hope to see you at the polls on November 4th Rocking the Vote!

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Blogger Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

Way to go, Sarah! Rock the Vote!

9:47 PM  

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