Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Veterans' Voting Rights-- Won!

Over the course of this summer, Rock the Vote activists wrote thousands of emails to their Congressmen and women, asking them to co-sponsor the Veterans Voting Support Act and overturn the ban on voter registration drives.

Yesterday, the Dept. of Veterans Affairs overturned the ban:
Veterans officials said that they would welcome state and local election officials and nonpartisan groups to hospitals and outpatient clinics to help register voters but that such assistance needed to be coordinated by those facilities in order to avoid disruptions to patient care.
Over 1,049,398 people aged 18-29 have served in Iraq or Afghanistan. Young veterans are a crucial part of the young voter movement. We've got one month left to register voters. Let's make sure we reach the young veterans that are recovering in government facilities.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Most important voice is the youth of today. I have learned that if enough people speak, and contribute we can actually make change and hopefully for the better. Your votes do count!

Mike Borgia D.I.Y singer songwriter

3:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Now, if we can get the states to allow accessible voter registration, to recognize the right of the blind to vote then we can emancipate 1.8 million people blind people in the US and their families. Call the states, call the Elections Assistance Commission, demand the accessible voter registration form. They have it, they just do not want to use it, because of a fundamental disrepect for the rights of 1.8 million people.

James Pepper

11:59 PM  

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