Friday, January 09, 2009

Inauguration 2009: Rock the Vote Style

Today, Rock the Vote unveiled the first of our 2009 Inauguration festivities - check them out now here, and keep checking back all through next week for the latest.

We have a wide range of activities planned, from National Day of Service activities in communities across the country to an all-ages concert with Beastie Boys and Sheryl Crow at the 9:30 Club in Washington, D.C. (tix go on sale 10 a.m. on Saturday Jan. 10 - get yours here!)

We’ll be celebrating the millions of young people who took politics into their own hands and stood up and spoke out this past year.

We’ll be celebrating the power of young Americans to make change in our country and our world.

We’ll be celebrating the artists who have given their time, talent, and voices to engage young Americans in politics and make social change.

And we’ll be celebrating 19 years of Rock the Vote leadership in building a generation of engaged citizens.

Celebrate with us.

For the latest details on all of our events and to find out how to participate, check out our Inauguration page today and all through next week at:



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, Mr. President-elect, are you so over-whelmingly concerned about the inauguration that you are absolutely MUTE about the Israeli actions against a defenseless people in Gaza? Please STOP the wanton killing! Please, speak up. The Israeli timing of their atrocoties against the Palestinain people were timed EXACTLY during this transition time. They are either unsure of you and want to send you their message, or they know you won't speak out against their actions. Which is it? It's time for "CHANGE" in the U.S. position regarding the Middle East. ENOUGH!!!

4:51 PM  

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