Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What You Need to Know: 01.14.09

House votes to expand health care for children
"The House voted Wednesday to expand government-sponsored health care to 4 million more children of working families, making a down payment on President-elect Obama's promise to provide universal health care to all Americans who want it.

The bill, passed by an overwhelming 289 to 139 vote, would increase federal taxes on cigarettes by 61 cents to a dollar a pack to pay the $32.3 billion cost of expanding State Children's Health Insurance Program for the next 4 1/2 years. Departing President George W. Bush vetoed similar legislation twice in 2007."

Geithner Questioned on Tax Returns
"Timothy F. Geithner, President-elect Barack Obama’s choice for Treasury secretary, failed to pay more than $34,000 in federal taxes over several years early this decade, and also faces questions about the employment papers of a former household employee, suddenly complicating what had seemed to be an easy confirmation process in the Senate.

Mr. Geithner, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, huddled privately with members of the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday afternoon to explain that he had now paid the back taxes and interest. Senate Democratic leaders quickly released statements of support lest the controversy threaten the nomination."

Detainee Tortured, Says U.S. Official
"The top Bush administration official in charge of deciding whether to bring Guantanamo Bay detainees to trial has concluded that the U.S. military tortured a Saudi national who allegedly planned to participate in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, interrogating him with techniques that included sustained isolation, sleep deprivation, nudity and prolonged exposure to cold, leaving him in a "life-threatening condition.""

Biden: Afghanistan war will get worse
"Freshly returned from a tour of war zones and global hotspots, Vice President-elect Joe Biden told President-elect Barack Obama on Wednesday that "things are going to get tougher" in Afghanistan.

GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham, Biden's partner in the five-day, bipartisan fact-finding mission to Kuwait, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq, predicted that "casualties are likely to increase" in Afghanistan as the number of U.S. troops there goes up this year."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Increasing the cigarette tax want help anyone. Also having government run health care is a lousy idea. Why would you want the government running your health care. Look Canada where you have to wait to get bypass surgery, and good doctors are leaving to come to America. Also my cousins friend had to wait for 5 hours in the emergency room with a bloody nose all the gave him was a bucket and asprin. We do not need the government running health care. If it doesn't work in Canada or England what makes you think that it will work in America.

8:56 PM  

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