Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Do you want Rush Limbaugh speaking for you?

In the past 24 hours, over 3,600 of you have emailed or called your Senators to demand immediate action to save our failing economy.

From what I hear, some in the Senate are starting to get the message we're sick and tired of watching our jobs disappear.

Problem is, I also hear that opponents of many of the most important programs - for green jobs, student aid, and job creation - are flooding the Senate with calls, spurred by angry diatribes from Rush Limbaugh over the past week.

Do you want Rush Limbaugh speaking for you? Or do want to go straight to the source and make sure your Senators get an earful from you, too?

Call your Senators today at 202-224-3121 and let us know what your hear.

We don't have any time to waste. Americans lost 524,000 jobs in December and a total of 2.6 million in 2008. You may have been one of the millions who's lost a job. If you weren't, I bet you have a friend or relative who has. I do. Too many of them.

This is a crisis situation, and we need a strong economic recovery bill to put us back on track. Economists estimate that the bill being debated right now will create or save 3-4 million jobs with investments in education, clean energy, roads and bridges, health care, and more.

Call your Senators today at (202) 224-3121. (not sure who they are? Find out here.)

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Blogger Unknown said...

"... we're sick and tired of watching our jobs disappear."

Then you do something about it, hit the street, look for another job, jump industries, go back to school, move to a state that has the jobs, stop waiting around for some idiot in Washington to spend our children's money on programs and pay outs that won't stimulate or help private industry create a single job.

Rush's listeners aren't brain dead robots, these people calling in are upset because of the abuse and pork padding the "stimulus" bill, not because Rush told his audience to clog up the phone board in DC.

If you want Change stop waiting around for someone else to do it and make it happen for yourself.

8:59 PM  

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