Monday, February 02, 2009

New Opportunities to Help Serve America

Lost in the attention surrounding President Obama's $825 billion economic recovery package, another piece of a legislation was introduced last week that you should be aware of: the Serve America Act.

The bill is designed to expand national volunteer opportunities dramatically - from the current level of 75,000 to 250,000 positions. It also encourages people to engage in a lifetime of service, with programs geared toward students, working adults, and retirees.

This is great news for a lot of young people out there. We're part of one of the most service-oriented generations in history, and the interest in programs like AmeriCorps and Teach for America has long exceeded the limited number of spaces to be filled each year. It's also nice to see Congress acknowledge the service that is already being done by so many Americans - the bill helps existing organizations expand their work and recruit even more volunteers to help improve their communities.

Early signs point to broad bipartisan support, so we're hoping for some quick movement in favor of this legislation in the coming months. Check out the full bill summary here, and make sure to check back soon - we'll keep you updated as SAA makes its way through Congress.

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