Friday, February 06, 2009

Tweet Congress

Looking for a quick and easy way to stay up-to-date on the latest Congressional happenings? Check out Tweet Congress, which let's you track the tweets from all of the Senators and Representatives using Twitter.

And there's a lot of action to be found. Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill has been updating nonstop on the Senate negotiations over the economic recovery package. And freshman Representatives Jared Polis from Colorado and Jason Chaffetz from Utah have been documenting their exciting first few weeks in office.

So check out Tweet Congress and start following your Congressperson today.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great. Now we can really see what some of the more technology-inclined members of Congress are doing. It is probably also important to try to play a more active role in politics, too.

I saw that the Friends of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is asking people to give their opinion on the most important thing for Congress to do next. Then they are going to focus their efforts on getting Congress to accomplish what we actually want them to do.

What do you think Congress should do? Make sure to get involved and add your opinion so Congress can know what we want them to do next -

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is another great site that you should check out:

Follow what the politicians and pundits are saying in realtime on Twitter.

5:25 PM  

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