Friday, February 06, 2009

Worst Job Loss Since 1974

Another sucker punch on the job front today: according to new Labor Department estimates, 598,000 jobs were lost in January. Just in January! That's the worst job loss in one month since 1974. The unemployment rate is now up to 7.6%, with no sign of decreasing any time soon.

As bad as these numbers are, they just confirm what we've known for a long time: the economy sucks. We all have friends that have lost jobs. We're all trying to figure out ways to pay the rent. And as young people just starting out, we're in a particularly vulnerable position.

We're in trouble.

We need action.

As we've been covering here, the Senate could vote as early as tonight on an economic recovery bill intended to tackle our failing economy. The bill as originally crafted could help save or create 3-4 million jobs.

Unfortunately, pieces of the bill intended to create jobs through education and clean energy are in danger of being cut. And considering the horrible job numbers that came out today, it's clear we can't afford to do that.

We need the strongest economic recovery bill that creates the most jobs possible, and we need it yesterday.

You can help make it happen. Call your Senator now at (202) 224-3121 and urge him or her to pass the strongest economic recovery bill possible, including strong support for education and clean energy programs.

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