Thursday, February 05, 2009

What You Need to Know: 02.05.09

Centrists in Senate Push to Cut Billions From Stimulus
"Anxious over the ballooning size of the proposed economic stimulus package, now at more than $900 billion, lawmakers in both parties were working Thursday on a last-minute plan to strip tens of billions of dollars from the bill.

Meanwhile, President Obama was said to be considering an address to the nation on Monday to promote the package.

The effort to trim back the program was being led by two centrist senators, Ben Nelson, Democrat of Nebraska, and Susan Collins, Republican of Maine, who say they would like to pare from $50 billion to $200 billion from the package. The final Senate vote on the stimulus package was expected late on Thursday."

Ginsburg has surgery for pancreatic cancer
"Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had surgery Thursday after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the court said.

The cancer was apparently in the early stages, according to the court announcement."

Obama's Faith-Based Office to Depart From Bush's Precedent
"President Obama today signed an executive order creating his Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, which adds a legal review on contentious issues of church and state separation as well as a panel of advisers that includes secular and religious leaders.

White House aides said it departs from the Bush administration's initiative, which allowed faith-based groups to hire only those of their own faith and, instead, will decide such issues on a case-by-case basis. Among the new priorities of the office, aides said, would be attempting to reduce the number of abortions and efforts to support women and families."

Iraqi Prime Minister Wins Key Provinces in Recent Elections
"Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki posted significant victories in Iraq's provincial elections, winning Baghdad and eight provinces in Iraq's Shiite south, according to official preliminary results released Thursday.

In voting for Maliki and his allies, Iraqis appeared to be supporting a strong central government and rewarding the prime minister for sending in government forces to fight Shiite militias in the southern city of Basra and Baghdad's Sadr City enclave. Maliki's State of Law coalition won 38 percent of the votes in Baghdad and 37 percent in Basra."



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