Monday, July 19, 2004

Young and Uninsured in Flint

"Myth : The uninsured are lazy and don't have jobs. Fact: In Genesee County, 74 percent of the more than 57,000 uninsured are working adults who make too much money to qualify for public programs or not enough to afford insurance premiums."

A recent Flint Journal article tells the story of Nathanael Monear, a young man working in Flint, Michigan, and his life without health insurance. There are millions of young adults in America like Nathanael who lack health coverage.

"Myth: Young people aren't affected by an insurance crisis. Fact: Although they represent only 15 percent of the population, adults ages 19 to 29 represent 30 percent of the nation's 43 million uninsured, one of the biggest and fastest growing groups without insurance."

Nathanael faces a problem that so many uninsured Americans deal with: health insurance plans offered at absurd premium prices.

"Like most people his age, Nathanael was the picture of health. When he learned that buying into his company's health insurance program was going to cost him a whopping $80 a week - one quarter of his take-home pay - he declined."

"In February, Nathanael was diagnosed with testicular cancer, the same disease that famed bicyclist Lance Armstrong successfully fought."

"The family hasn't had the heart to tally a grand total, but with chemo costs at approximately $15,000 per week, cat scans at $1,200 each, surgery at $5,000 and lab tests, X-rays and medication yet to be added, they guess the final bill will be near $100,000. "

There is a health care crisis among young people in this country. Rock the Vote, with your help, is urging the candidates for the Presidency and members of Congress to adopt a plan to cover millions of these uninsured young Americans. Our solution mixes private sector and public sector solutions to the health care crisis.  Please go our Health Care Action Page and take action.


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