Monday, July 19, 2004

Can you afford college? 
Tuition prices skyrocket while heavy loans sink students deeper and deeper into debt.  That seems to be the story every year and this year is no exception.  The average tuition for 2003-2004 was 14.1 percent higher than that of 2001-2002.  Meanwhile most estimates of average student debt range from $16,000 to $20,000.  No wonder 40 percent of graduating high school students who want to go to college will decide not to because of cost factors.  What this calls for is a good political debate on how to stop these soaring tuition prices and loans.  And we'll get one this year.  Go check out where the candidates stand on this issue at their respective websites and
NPR's Morning Edition ran a story this morning on how this issue of college affordability will impact the election.  This is shaping up to be a huge issue and it's about young Americans.  See they are paying attention.


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