Friday, September 10, 2004

Arizona Rock the Vote Team Fights for On-Campus Voting

As part of our campaign to promote the student vote, our Street Teams are charged with bringing polling places onto their campuses. It’s a great way to get more young people out on Election Day.

In Arizona, the Rock the Vote Street Team has been fighting for months to get a polling place on campus. Some local election officials have been less than cooperative.

Yesterday, the team delivered a petition to the election officials in Pima County with more than 400 signatures.

As part of their request, they have asked for an early-voting option at the new site, which would allow students to vote in their hometown elections from campus.

While the surging movement to register voters in their college towns—and to protect their right to do so—is getting much attention, the logical idea of creating on-campus election sites is just as powerful. The pool of voters covered by just the U of A petition could include 5,500 students who live on campus, 22,000 commuter students, and 13,000 university employees.

These are numbers not to be ignored in an election cycle, and providing safe and convenient polling places for such a large chunk of the population is paramount to a well-run and fair election.

We applaud the efforts of the Arizona students and encourage you to go and find out if there is a polling place on or near your campus.

Find more information about how you can bring a polling place to YOUR campus by
clicking here.


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