Friday, September 17, 2004

The Word on the Street. The Urban Street.

If you thought that 2000 marked an all-time low for elections in this country, the worst may be yet to come. Fears that the 2004 election may indeed suffer from far-more widespread attempts at fraud, scheming, and vote-tampering have only increased as election day draws nearer. The New York Times reports on the concerns of local election officials across the nation regarding absentee ballots and the overwhelming possibilities for their misuse. And if someone offers you concert tickets (or anything else…) in exchange for a vote – don’t take ‘em! Notable quotable: “In North Carolina, three university students were charged with felonies last year, accused of voting both absentee and at the polls after they responded to campus fliers that offered free concert tickets worth $22.50 for voting absentee.” The real question: what concert??

Meanwhile, Bob Herbert continues to report on race-based voter suppression – this time, in Detroit – where a state legislator actually said: "If we do not suppress the Detroit vote," said Mr. Pappageorge, "we're going to have a tough time in this election." Herbert even gets the official in question to repeat this sentiment after calling him for clarification You have to read it to believe it! Mr. Herbert also notes the incidents of student intimidation at Praire View A&M in Texas. Fortunately, he gives out the voter info hotline to call if voters face any problems at the polls – 1-866-OUR-VOTE. This is the same hotline used by Rock The Vote's student voting rights campaign. Lawyers are standing by…

But wait, there’s more! Rock the Vote’s bus tour has now officially entered Phase 2. Kicking off in Kent State, Ohio (a state which seems to be important to this election. Or so we’ve heard…) we’re getting all types of attention. Read the pre-game coverage here, because we didn’t know there was going to be a laser show!?!? (Also, the Kent Stater profiles the dreamy Dan Dyer. And his hair…) Better still, read the post-show wrap-up which features: inter-political couples, geeks, and the word “hackfest!”

-Aaron Coles


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