Thursday, October 28, 2004

The Third Three

Rock the Vote presents:
“The Big 3”
So big, it makes the other stories feel small.
(5 days to the election!)

1. You’re wild, man. Wild!

If the Boston Red Sox haven’t demonstrated the power of the “wild card,” for you, nothing will. In Colorado, thirty five percent of all newly registered voters are young people. And now both parties are in hot pursuit of their votes. See what happens when you show up in force? Another thing making these new voters so desirable is that they’re registering as independents. Independents are outnumbering Republicans and Democrats at a rate of 2 to 1. Also, there are nifty graphs. And we LIKE pictures…

Also, we know you’re busy and all that and probably just wanted to read the LA Times polling story about Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania (the big 3?) but you really ought to check out their early voting story. And not just because it features an adjective-laden outburst from the usually understated Hans Reimer. It’s also very informative if you’re looking for the latest on the ongoing battle against disenfranchisement. Wanna know who’s winning? Then you gotta click on the story, fool!

2. Tick Tick Boom!
Today is the 3rd day of the missing explosive story. Hmmm, 3 days? Did some canny media observer comment on this story earlier? Did they predict that it may be here for awhile? Man, they must be GOOD!

3. Slim Shady “Marshals” the Youth Vote
(That pun was hot.) If rapper Eminem’s impact on the youth vote turns out to be the October surprise then there will be an abundance of hand-wringing from pundits everywhere. Who could have seen this coming? “Mosh,” Eminem’s bitterly partisan video attack on the President is a call to arms to his legion of fans, and he encourages them to vote on November 2 in order to join him in the fight. When the L.A. Times is writing about a music video in their Politics section, it’s news. Calling on animation, news clippings, and footage of the President, Eminem’s video touches on the issues of tax cuts and the war in Iraq – and he doesn’t seem to favor either one. The video has been highly popular on MTV, and is currently the number one music video on the network.

Stay tuned for more.
-Aaron Coles


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