Thursday, November 03, 2005

Backlash against the youth vote: Across the country there is an effort, perhaps resulting from the unprecedented show of power by young people across the country at the voting booth last year, to make it harder to vote.

In Wisconsin, which has one of the highest youth voting rates in the country, the assembly is seeking to bypass the Governor's anticipated veto of legislation that woule require a photo ID to register to vote and to vote.

This is particularly bad for students in Wisconsin, who move all around the state within the UW system or who come in from out of state and settle down for years in Wisconsin. Students move around a lot and rarely have up-to-date IDs.

Is your ID current with your address? Take a survey of five friends and check if theirs are. Then see what the consequences of this legislation could be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose they're proposing to use driver's licenses too. Considering the fact that illegal immigrants seem able to get them, I fail to see how they'll discourage intentional fraud. I hadn't thought about it but I guess that such a requirement would indeed also disenfranchise legitimate voters.

The biggest problem by far in elections is in the *counting* of the votes, not the *casting*. It's very hard to get a significant number of people organized to cast fraudulent votes. Not only that, it's expensive and there's a high risk of getting caught. However, a few corrupt election officials can change the electoral count by thousands.

The necessary first step towards more secure elections is voter-verifiable elections. Read the e-book on Just say no to further ID requirements as part of our daily lives.

2:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I moved to this town, I went down to register to vote, and a few days later I received my voter registration card in the mail. Then when it came time to vote, I pulled out my card and was told that I didn't have to show it. My response was "then how do you know for sure that I am who I say I am". The argument about students who move around a lot or illegal immigrants who use driver's licenses should not be the issue. All eligebile voters should be issued a voters regitration card (like I was) but with a bar code on it. That way once that card was scanned, it can't be scanned again, there by stopping people from voting more than once. This does not show how you voted, but mearly an ID to show that you were eligebile to vote.

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You spelled would wrong. Also, this site is clearly biased towards one particular political party based on the "current issues" and other information on the site.
Also not everything is an "issue". This site should provide the facts and be truly unbiased.

11:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it ok when someone chooses to drive a car (legally), being required to have a photo ID (driver’s license) is not asking too much? Why is it ok when a person wants to enter a night club, being required to have a photo ID for proof of age is not asking too much? Also, why is it ok when a person wants to purchase an alcoholic beverage, being required to have a photo ID for proof of age is not asking too much?... Why then is it to much to ask of a person to show proof of ID when they are affecting the elections of the leaders of this GREAT country???? Remember, our forefathers and mother fought and died for us to be able to vote in free elections. so if they can do that, then WE ALL can at least be willing to take a small amount of time out of our very comfortable lives and attain a photo ID so that one legal person, one vote is what we get out of OUR elections.

Serving Soldier

I serve freely so you, yours and mine can all freely and responsibly enjoy this great country that so many have given so much for, for us to enjoy!

1:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Serving Soldier - I couldn't have said it any better.

Get your ID and get over it!

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would seem that the only ones that do not want voter identification are the ones that also have the greatest need for voter fraud. Face it, if we all show who we are and without a doubt, then we can rule out the voter fraud, the dead folks voting, my dog voting, etc. In fact, let's take it one step further and require an exam, if you don't have the answers to obvious answers about the candidates, then you can't vote, simple and fair, voting is a civic responsibility, one that should be charged with the knowledge to know what you are doing, not just vote the 'pretty face' or the 'smooth talker', after all, look at my home state, LA, do we really wnat that kind of election to be run rampant across the great land?

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

like Hans I stand for voter fraud, let whoever wants to vote, no ID necessary!

3:19 PM  

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